Welcome – Backup

Our Sunday Worship Service is at 10 AM followed by Coffee Hour

Worship Service information, including the bulletin, calendar and sermons are updated every Sunday afternoon.
You need to only login if you wish to view Prayer Concerns, Church reports and the Worship Service recording.This website is best viewed using a Tablet, Laptop or Desktop computer. P
lease report any missing images or other errors to: ts00500@hotmail.com




Click Here to view the 2023 Proposed Budget.
(You will need to login and the choose the budget tab.)

A very touching moment at Lanny’s Funeral: His Grandkids sing: “In the Garden”

The Portico Construction will soon start.
We are waiting on fabricated beams.

Pastor’s Bible Study Tuesday @ 10 AM
in his office. Last Sunday’s Sermon is discussed.

Sermon on the Mount Bible Study Saturday @ 10:00 AM.
This study is lead by Bonita Williams.


Click Here to Login and listen to this
Sunday’s Worship Service.

-There is no sermon recording for this week.
Today was our Christmas Program.

You can hear program by logging in.

Do You Know someone in need of a visit
from Pastor John or the Care Committee?
Please contact the office or Pastor John (pastorjohnohio@gmail.com) or Bonita Williams

Please if you are the:

and make sure all windows are closed and the doors are locked.



See the source image

The November Consistory Meeting Notes, the November Treasurer’s Report
and the December Pastor’s Report have been uploaded.
All reports can be viewed by Logging in here.

Click Here to View Today’s Devotional.
Use your browser back button to get back to our site.
Pick-up the most recent copy of The Upper Room and Our Daily Bread on the Narthex table.

Pastor – Rev. John Lawrence

Mt. Zwingli UCC
2172 S. Medina Line Rd. Wadsworth Ohio 44281

For general email to the church use: mountzwingli@gmail.com

The 12/17/2023 update is complete.
12/11/2023 I uploaded the November Consistory Minutes, the November Treasure’s Report and the December Pastor’s Report
The 12/10-2023 update is complete. Tomorrow I will add the November Treasurer’s report and the approved November Consistory Meeting Minutes.
The 12/4/2023 Added 2023 Proposed Budget access
The 12-3-2023 update is Complete for now. We mourn the passing of Lanny Mostoller. A life long member of Mt. Z.
The 11-26-2023 update is complete. The Sermon today was short and sweet. Thank You to all who decorated the church for Christmas.
The 11-12-2023 update is complete. It was a very long Consistory meeting today.
Next year’s bare bone budget was accepted for Congregational Approval in December.
To even make our 2024 bare bones budget, we need a 10% increase in giving.
The 11-5-2023 update is complete.
The 10-29-2023 update is complete. Youth Sunday School has started.
10-22-2023 The 10-22-2023 update is complete.
10-15-2023 The 10-15-2023 update is complete.
10-8-2023 the 10-8 Update is complete.

2/19/2023The Sunday 2/19 update is complete. Beware of any one calling referencing Mt. Zwingli that you do not know. It may be a scammer.