Our Sunday Worship Service is at 10 AM followed by Coffee Hour.

– Our service today was in the Chapel –

Worship Service information, including the bulletin, calendar and sermons are updated every Sunday afternoon.
You need to only login if you wish to view Prayer Concerns, Church reports and the Worship Service recording.
This website is best viewed using a Tablet, Laptop or Desktop computer.
lease report any missing images or other errors to: ts00500@hotmail.com

7/21 – We did a lot of singng this Sunday in the Chapel.
You can login in and hear our singing by listening
to the Worship Service.

– How Great Thou Art –

– Seek Ye First​ –


Pastor John Lawrence’s  7-21-2024 Sermon
“No Fear”
“2 Timothy 1:1-7”

Click Here to Login and listen to this
Sunday’s Worship Service

The June Treasurer’s Report,the June Consistory Minutes
and the July Pastor’s Report have been uploaded.

All reports can be viewed by Logging in here.

God’s Kingdom (and our Church) runs on volunteers.
Please remember to Sign up:

   . Altar Flowers,
               . Liturgist/Greeters,
                  . Fellowship Snacks,
. Nursery

 We are the Church. You are the Church. We Are the Church together.

Our Bible Studies are on sabbatical this summer.

Do You Know someone in need of a visit
from Pastor John or the Care Committee?
Please contact the office or Pastor John (pastorjohnohio@gmail.com)
or Bonita Williams

Please if you are the:

and make sure all windows are closed and the doors are locked.

Click Here to View Today’s Devotional.
Use your browser back button to get back to our site.
Pick-up the most recent copy of The Upper Room and Our Daily Bread on the Narthex table.

Pastor – Rev. John Lawrence

Mt. Zwingli UCC
2172 S. Medina Line Rd. Wadsworth Ohio 44281

For general email to the church use: mountzwingli@gmail.com

7/21/2024 The 7/21 update is complete. I think Today’s sermon is like the Peter, Paul and Mary’s Song:
I dig, ho ho, rock and roll music
I could really get it on in that scene
I think I could say somethin’
If you know what I mean,
But if I really say it
The Radio won’t play it
Unless I lay it
Between the lines

I think many in our congregation will miss the true
message of what was preached today.
Jesus said the Matthew 7:13-14:
“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction,
and there are many who go in by it. 14 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which
leads to life, and there are few who find it.

7/14/2024 The 7/14/update is complete. My internet was out until 5 PM Tuesday. Thank you Joyce for your hard work
each week publishing the bulletin. Congratulations on 10 years Dave. Thank you for doing the sound recordings.
7/7/2024 The 7/7 update is complete. Today’s Sermon was about God’s generosity.
7/6/2024 The June Treasurer’s Report was uploaded.
6/30/2024 The 6/30 update is complete. It was a blessing in disguise when Pastor John’s mic. cut out because I was able to get a
recording of the congregation singing.
6/23/2024 The 6/23 update is complete.
6/16/2024 The 6/16/2024 update is completed. Yes, I know Calendar is spelled wrong. I will fix it next week.
6/9/2024 The 6/9 Update is complete. Pastor John’s 6/9 Sermon includes a reference to Steven Colbert’s interview about his faith.
Colbert is a Liberal with a strong unyielding faith in God. Contrast these words to the two 2024 Presidential candidate’s faith.
Colbert makes fun of both candidates during his late night show. Which of those candidates that Steven makes fun of has
a similar faith to his own?  In Revelation 2:2 are these words concerning the church at Ephesus: “I know your deeds, your hard
work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles
but are not, and have found them false.”
6/2/2024 The 6/2 update is complete. We had a nice group for Pairs & Spares.

2/19/2023 Beware of any one calling referencing Mt. Zwingli that you do not know. It may be a scammer.

A few notes about out Web Page. The web page is updated each Sunday afternoon. Our web page is simple in that
it does not use a commercially available “flowery” theme with pastel colors. The web page instead is configured to be
high contrast to help older readers. The pages are best viewed with a Tablet but also may be viewed on a cell phone.
Some of the tabs are password protected to protect scammers from having access to personal information or
church finances.  The password is published each week in our bulletin. The password is also available by E-mailing