Our Sunday Worship Service is at 10 AM followed by Coffee Hour.

Worship Service information, including the bulletin, calendar and sermons are updated every Sunday afternoon.
You need to only login if you wish to view Prayer Concerns, Church reports and the Worship Service recording.
This website is best viewed using a Tablet, Laptop or Desktop computer.
lease report any missing images or other errors to: ts00500@hotmail.com

Don’t Forget – Tomorrow Monday September 16
The Men are serving you lunch at 12N

Check out Pastor John’s September page. 

With that in mind, you are invited to experience his September sermon series based
on the gospel of John chapters 1-4 entitled, “Creation in John’s Gospel”.
Sermons include “Jesus Creator”, “Jesus Commander”, “New Creation”, and “Creating a New World”.
I hope you will join us!

You gotta listen as this is PJ’s Best & Concise Sermon
since being at Mt. Z

Pastor Lawrence’s 9-15-2024 Sermon
– New Creation – Nick at Night –
“John 3:1-21”

Click Here to Login and listen to this
Sunday’s Worship Service

-An End to an Era –
Christian Outreach will no longer collect
clothes for MCC, Miriam’s Closet or the
Seventh Day Adventist Barberton Mission.
So, please do not leave any clothing in the
Entry way closet.
Any Clothing items you wish to donate can be dropped off
at Marians’s Closet. See the web page “Social” tab
for details.



The August Treasurer’s Report,the August Consistory Minutes
and the September Pastor’s Report have been uploaded.

All reports can be viewed by Logging in here.

God’s Kingdom (and our Church) runs on volunteers.
Please remember to Sign up:

   . Altar Flowers,
               . Liturgist/Greeters,
                  . Fellowship Snacks,
. Nursery

 We are the Church. You are the Church. We Are the Church together.

Our Bible Studies are on sabbatical this summer.

Do You Know someone in need of a visit
from Pastor John or the Care Committee?
Please contact the office or Pastor John (pastorjohnohio@gmail.com)

Please if you are the:

and make sure all windows are closed and the doors are locked.

Click Here to View Today’s Devotional.
Use your browser back button to get back to our site.
Pick-up the most recent copy of The Upper Room and Our Daily Bread on the Narthex table.

Pastor – Rev. John Lawrence

Mt. Zwingli UCC
2172 S. Medina Line Rd. Wadsworth Ohio 44281

For general email to the church use: mountzwingli@gmail.com

9/15/2024 The 9/15 Update is complete. Today Pastor John gave the most direct and concise sermon
since being at Mt. Z. Listen for yourself.
9/8/2024 The 9/8/2024 Update is complete. I am not sure I agree with the decision to change the service
hours from 10-11 to 10-11:15. We already have trouble with recording length.
9/1/2024 The 9/1/2024 update is complete. It is said too many cooks spoil the pot. The same can be said
for too many tweaking the knobs on the sound board. In the past three weeks we have gone from a
minimum signal to our recording to this week where the recording level was so strong the recording
is distorted. It was nice to see Nancy and Jami back today both sporting leg casts/braces. Let’s hope
this does not become a fashion trend.

7/21/2024 The 7/21 update is complete. Today’s sermon is like the Peter, Paul and Mary’s Song:
I dig, ho ho, rock and roll music
I could really get it on in that scene
I think I could say somethin’
If you know what I mean,
But if I really say it
The Radio won’t play it
Unless I lay it
Between the lines

I think many in our congregation will miss the true
message of what was preached today.
Jesus said the Matthew 7:13-14:
“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction,
and there are many who go in by it. 14 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which
leads to life, and there are few who find it.

A few notes about out Web Page. The web page is updated each Sunday afternoon. Our web page is simple in that
it does not use a commercially available “flowery” theme with pastel colors. The web page instead is configured to be
high contrast to help older readers. The pages are best viewed with a Tablet but also may be viewed on a cell phone.
Some of the tabs are password protected to protect scammers from having access to personal information or
church finances.  The password is published each week in our bulletin. The password is also available by E-mailing