
Coffee Hour

Plan on attending our Coffee Hour after Worship Service.
Most times than not there is a snack besides coffee.
We are in need of volunteers to host a Sunday.

Pairs & Spares

Our Next Pairs & Spares Meeting is August 4th  at 5:30 PM.


Mt Zwingli Women in Mission.

The Next WMMZ meeting will be at Linda McDonald’s House
Monday July 15th at 12 N.

Book Club

The Next Book Club Meeting is Saturday, August 17th @ 10 AM.
Our new book is One Italian Summer

Bible Study

Tuesdays at 10 AM is a Bible Study with Pastor John.
It is on hold this summer and continue in the fall.


Gift Cards

Used Clothing Donations

Don’t throw it away!
Leave your gently used clothing in the bins in the Foyer closet.
They will be donated to either the Seventh Day Adventist Service Center in Barberton
or Mariam’s Closet in Wadsworth or the Mennonite Mission Thrift Store in Kidron.
Where the clothing goes all depends on who is accepting donations at the time.