About Mt. Zwingli Church

The Mission of Mount Zwingli Church is to lead people to a real relationship with Jesus, and then help them discover their gifts and ultimate purpose

Who We Are

Mt. Zwingli is a warm and friendly church family. You have to experience us to really know who we are.

Consider that an Invitation!

The membership of Mt. Zwingli is a diverse and engaged community, with a strong core of active and supportive members. We are a mixed-age church, but recently we have been seeing more and more young families becoming involved.

What We Believe

At Mt. Zwingli Church, we are committed to following Jesus Christ and embodying the open welcome and unconditional acceptance He extended to everyone He encountered. We recognize all people as children of God and celebrate the diversity that enriches our community.

We believe that God's love and grace are available to all, and we strive to reflect that inclusivity in our congregation. We are dedicated to serving our community, seeking justice, and walking humbly with our God. We invite you to join us in this journey of faith, love, and service.

Our Statement of Faith

We believe in God, the Eternal Spirit—Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and our Father—who calls the universe into being, creates humanity in His image, and sets before us the paths of life and death.

In His holy love, God seeks to save all people from sin and aimlessness. He judges individuals and nations by His righteous will, revealed through the prophets and apostles.

In Jesus Christ, the crucified and risen Lord, God came to us, sharing in our humanity, overcoming sin and death, and reconciling the world to Himself.

Through the Holy Spirit, He renews and unites the Church, binding together people of all ages, languages, and backgrounds in a covenant of faith.

God calls us to be His Church—to embrace both the cost and joy of discipleship, to serve others in love, to proclaim the Gospel, to stand against evil, to share in Christ’s baptism and table, and to walk with Him in both suffering and victory.

To all who trust in Him, He promises forgiveness, abundant grace, courage in the struggle for justice and peace, His presence in every trial and triumph, and the gift of eternal life in His kingdom without end.

To God be all blessing, honor, glory, and power.
We celebrate God's love and grace through Jesus Christ his son